Monday, February 22, 2010

Coul My Hiv Test Be Wrong I Kissed A Hiv Person And Very Scared?

I kissed a hiv person and very scared? - coul my hiv test be wrong

I am a man of 16 years and about 2 months with an older woman who just told you to sleep and something to EASY. i later that he had heard of HIV. approximately 4 weeks after that I kiss my symptoms are really sick, loss of appetite, fever, drowsiness. I am better after 4 days. because i havent bought an HIV test because I will wait 6 months to the accuracy and I think my doctor would think I was not even asked, tested bescause crazy, want the general idea is that it can by Kissing will be awarded.My questions are: (1) Do you think I'm exaggerating, or that I really coul (2) I've heard that CAAN will be transmitted through open wounds first, what are the open wounds of the other had 3 teeth extracted a few weeks before the kiss is as an open wound. (3) I've heard they could delegate, when blood mouthh be changed, I want to know is that the amount of blood is needded infect a person is only a small drop of blood or a lot. (4), and finally I have a white coating on the back of my touNgue is a sign that much later help or an early symptom of HIV --


B K said...

MOVE ON. One can not someone HIV through kissing. Cut or not cut makes no difference. The people here do not know what they are talking about. Find out more about HIV. Go to trusted sites and read it.


♥ ~Hey Minnie~♥ said...

Maybe I have more women forced to simply should have some kind of illness, you should be happy that I had herpes in the mouth of his cousin, then there would be no questions asked.I do not believe that something to be feared, cutting themselves You are on the lips? or not? Listen to an HIV test

heren3 said...

1) You probably have nothing to fear.

2) Yes, you can get HIV through kissing, but not by saliva. The circumstances, it must transmit a cut or wound in the mouth a considerable amount of blood. This does not seem to be the case.

3) Persons who have been infected with HIV is usually no sign of 10 years, the symptoms you describe may be something else.

LINDA R said...

HIV is not transmitted through saliva. The only way to HIV by kissing someone they have open wounds, bleeding gums or open wounds received in the mouth. If extraction of teeth, which may be the most recent was a problem, but if it was not 2 weeks prior to potential exposure lead to problems.
People with HIV often have symptoms for years after infection. Some people have flu-like symptoms, but not all. I suggest you check with your doctor about your language. It is not related to HIV.

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