Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mirror Hanging Hardware Clear Plastic Corner Mirror Hanging Hardware?

Clear plastic corner mirror hanging hardware? - mirror hanging hardware

I am looking for materials for hanging posters, the plastic core are rectangular. I understand that nothing like the angle brackets made of plastic, you can put in the corners and screwed into the wall. I think they were probably originally hung the mirror. I want plastic, not metal or anything else, not because it could take some pictures on the posters themselves and would have to show that would be clear. I searched the Internet and can be the smallest, will be placed on pages found, top and bottom of the mirror, but I want to get into the corners. Can you tell me where to find them, and what are their names?


be_a_ler... said...

Looking for "frameless mirror clips. Most are designed to go sideways, but they are made to go into the corners. I include both. For a mirror which clips to use angle and lateral connections to the weight of the glass, but I think you should be well coroplast with the corners.

You should be aware that if the clips are "clear", I would call transparent. It allows the background color, but look through the clips there.

If you really do not have the chance to find them, e-mail and I'll see if we can arrange something.

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