Monday, January 11, 2010

Wood Cooking Range For Cooking With The Use Of Firewood Why Is The Wood Is Split In Slender Piece.?

For cooking with the use of firewood why is the wood is split in slender piece.? - wood cooking range

Why are the pieces of wood varies in the oven


old_woma... said...

In very large 1 piece of wood - the division into smaller pieces 6 - it has more storage space and warmth. The fire is hot - good for cooking - and not have to wait long for the warmth. It takes a very important piece for some time to burn - better a fire burning all night (smoltering) are denser willing to let air into the sides - for better combustion - a hot fire.

old_woma... said...

In very large 1 piece of wood - the division into smaller pieces 6 - it has more storage space and warmth. The fire is hot - good for cooking - and not have to wait long for the warmth. It takes a very important piece for some time to burn - better a fire burning all night (smoltering) are denser willing to let air into the sides - for better combustion - a hot fire.

old_woma... said...

In very large 1 piece of wood - the division into smaller pieces 6 - it has more storage space and warmth. The fire is hot - good for cooking - and not have to wait long for the warmth. It takes a very important piece for some time to burn - better a fire burning all night (smoltering) are denser willing to let air into the sides - for better combustion - a hot fire.

wheelieb... said...

You can control most of the heat of the oven.

Ronald P said...

It burns better.

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